Headache Relief

Do you suffer from chronic headaches and are you ready to put a stop to them? Dr. David Dils at Dils Chiropractic in Carlisle, PA, offers personalized care to ensure you receive the natural, lasting headache relief you deserve.

Headache Relief Through Chiropractic Care

Headaches are a very common issue, but they are certainly not something anyone should have to live with. While an occasional headache may require nothing more than some rest, hydration, and other simple solutions, headaches that hang around or come back too often require attention. Dr. Dils and the team at Dils Chiropractic in Carlisle, PA, share how chiropractic care can bring lasting headache relief.

Uncovering and Addressing the Root

Every headache has a root cause. Chronic headaches are often tied to an injury or condition of the musculoskeletal system. When the bones are misaligned, the discs or nerves are compressed, or another issue is present, it can cause tension, and restrict blood flow. All of these can lead to chronic headaches. A chiropractor will work to discover the underlying issue and eliminate it.

Natural Techniques

Pain relievers can be useful for temporary relief, but they don’t last long. When they wear off or your body becomes immune to their effects, you begin taking more. Unfortunately, this can not only lead to organ damage but also rebound headaches.

Eliminating the root helps prevent headaches from returning. Chiropractors do this through natural techniques that empower the body to heal, relieve tension, correct alignment, and restore blood flow. There are no invasive techniques or medication to cause additional side effects.

Addressing the Source

The underlying injury, such as misalignment or tension, did not occur on its own. Instead, something in your life caused it. This could be the type of work you do, how you lounge on your couch, the position you sleep in, a lack of physical activity, or other factors.

A key part of relieving and preventing headaches is to correct these factors. Your chiropractor will work with you to determine what they might be and make the necessary lifestyle adjustments. This can include setting up a more ergonomic workspace, improving your posture, increasing your activity level, and getting a more supportive pillow.

Experience natural and lasting headache relief with the help of Dr. Dils and the team at Dils Chiropractic in Carlisle, PA. Call (717) 241-6263 to schedule an appointment today. 

Our Location

555 N Hanover St, Carlisle, PA, 17013

Office Hours

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9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


By Appointment

